This is our official Common People 2018 Walkabout. This years festival took place in Southampton, UK. Total Scoop attended the Sunday, have a look at our highlights. Acts such as, Boney M, NPG and The Jacksons headlined main stage.
Common People returned to Southampton City Center on Saturday 26th May - 27th May 2018.
As the weather cleared up, the day was devoid of cloud. Morning festival-goers were distracted by headlines about Mutiny Festival deaths. As a result, the festival garnered large crowds through-out the day. Goat Shed and Gold School DJ's lightened the mood in the morning for families and friends who were thankful for the relaxed vibes.
For lunch, many ate on picnic blankets as global cuisine was readily available from various food trucks. A family area was also available with larger bathrooms for nappy changing, although people of all ages were seen riding on the carousel and other fairground rides.
Home-grown acts spanned the smaller stages as indie band, DJUNO and DJ's Soul 45 who attracted a large crowd of fans that preferred to dance in shaded tents. As student volunteers manned the bars, service was quick, but expensive. Although, taps were placed across the festival to quench the thirst of sun-stroked residents.
Towards the late afternoon, crowds flocked to main stage for Disco and Soul Music in plenty. Throwbacks from DJ's during the breaks got the crowd sweating, as Boney M and New Power Generation brought nostalgia back to the faithful. With line dancing and harmonies, everyone was singing along and grooving to the beats.
Younger attendees chose to listen to EDM in the form of heavy drum and bass during The Jacksons. The ecclectic range of music seemed to suit most, leaving many happier than in previous years. Common People veteran, Sally Porter spoke to us about her time as she walked across the common at eleven o'clock:
"Oh, I''m sad it's over to be honest. We didn't have a programme but everything we saw today we enjoyed. Such a good dance, it has been a lovely birthday weekend! Shame it didn't go on for longer but I guess the residents around here are quite pleased about that..."