Total Scoop Freelance Photographer: Clemmie Moule
FIRST PERFORMANCE OF 2018: Southampton-based hip-hop band, Route2Roots are well-known in the UK.
LAST FESTIVAL: Boomtown 2017
CURRENTLY: Recording
FUN FACT: The members of R2R span several generations! With many loved ones, children and a wide network of close fans, these home-grown seasoned musicians always pack-out every venue they plan. With side-projects a-many, these men dedicate their lives to spreading soul and similes.
Attracting a dedicated and talented fan-base, Clemmie Moule captured the night.
The expressive lyricists are accompanied by expert musician playing jazz and blues inspired melodies. Performing at Blissfields and Boomtown last year, this small bar was filled to the brim.
A great night enjoyed by all.